Elsie's Birth Story
My husband Shaun and I just wanted to say thank you so much for introducing us to hypnobirthing, we found your classes so helpful and we honestly believe that it is something everyone expecting a baby should have access to.
Our birthing experience would have been a lot different had we not attended your classes. They gave Shaun the tools to be such an amazing support throughout this pregnancy and labour as well as the knowledge to not be scared about birth and seeing me in pain.
They allowed me to understand what my body and my baby were doing and needed to do. I was able to use the breathing techniques coupled with the TENS machine to make it to 8cm at home before going into the hospital where I lasted another 4 hours without any other pain relief and our beautiful daughter was born peacefully with no intervention.
Though we were lucky that everything went smoothly and had the perfect birth, we can say had things not gone to plan, hypnobirthing definitely prepared us for anything and gave us the confidence to know what was going on and that we could ask for options.
If only hospitals taught hypnobirthing as standard, a lot more parents would have the knowledge to achieve a positive birth! We tell all our friends about you and the Hypnobirthing Australia course!
Attend our childbirth education classes in Adelaide - Book here