Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Courses with Adelaide Lactation Consultants, Midwifery & Hypnobirthing
Hypnobirthing Australia™
As a nurse, midwife and an IBCLC I feel privileged to work with women throughout their pregnancy and into the postpartum period. I am passionate about empowering women to trust their instincts so they can have the positive birth and breastfeeding experience they desire. With this in mind, I am a proud Certified Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner and love teaching the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course.
After close to 30 years in the field of education, birth, breastfeeding and newborn support I’ve had experience with many childbirth education programs. I believe the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course is well thought-out, provides current research-based techniques and information, has amazing and empowering birth stories (in an Australian accent), and is very geared towards Australian couples and the Australian Health Care system.
I wholeheartedly believe this program works and have seen it in action! Need more evidence? You can read more here about the positive benefits of hypnosis intervention in pain management and improved birth outcomes.
What is Hypnobirthing Australia™?
Here at Adelaide Lactation Consultants and Midwifery we exclusively teach the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program. “The original Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is uniquely designed for Australian mothers and their birth companions. It is the natural approach to childbirth!
Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes prepare you with the knowledge, confidence and tools you need to birth calmly.” In short, the program can help any birthing couple prepare for their baby and is designed for either natural or caesarean births. The preparation during pregnancy ensures Hypnobirthing Australia™ couples are equipped to approach their birth and its outcome as best they can.
Is this the course for you?
It’s my belief that there are many reasons to the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is a great fit for new families. However, if I had to narrow it down, here are my top four:
You want your birth partner to feel included and know how to support you in your labour.
This course helps prepare birthing partners to understand the physiology of childbirth, what your partner might need throughout labour and how to really help during this amazing time of change. Birthing partners are an integral part of the Hypnobirthing Australia™ philosophy.
You are worried about the pain associated with childbirth and how you will cope with this. The Hypnobirthing Australia™ course prepare women to focus on the pain as being a positive part of childbirth and giving you the tools and techniques to achieve a calm and positive birth. Preparation and practice is an important tool for birth. Visualisation, touch and breathing are some of the techniques used and all help women feel in control and calm.
You ideally want to have a low-intervention and natural birth and do not know how you are going to achieve this! The Hypnobirthing Australia™ course prepares couples for the normal events surrounding labour, unexpected changes to this plan and everything in between. By being prepared, empowered and educated you will be able to approach your birth with knowledge, which is super important. You and your partner will feel confident to ask any questions about your care pathways in partnership with your care providers.
The Hypnobirthing Australia™ course with Megan is an affordable and in-depth hands-on course. You value your transition into motherhood and want to ensure your labour and birth are a special and sacred time. There are several course options at affordable rates, you can feel confident you’ll be prepared for almost anything!
Hypnobirthing Australia™ Course details….
The Hypnobirthing Australia™ course is conducted over 12 hours and broken down into four Units. It’s recommended that you begin class between 20-30 weeks pregnant, but I’ve seen positive outcomes on many time schedules. We can also tailor a course option to suit you and your birthing partner. Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll learn in our course.
Unit 1 - Creating and Maintaining a Positive Mindset
Introduction to the positive mindset of Hypnobirthing
how our brain is wired to birth
the role of our caregivers
mind/body connection
what is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?
reprogramming the subconscious
birthing environment
Unit 2 - Our Toolkit for Birth
self-hypnosis tracks
birth music
conditioning with scent
hypnotic anchors and triggers
releasing endorphins through massage and touch
acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding
visualisation for pregnancy, labour and birthing
surge breathing - the best tool ever!
breathing tools
instant relaxation techniques
Unit 3 - Preparation & Choices for Empowered Birthing
Bonding with baby
birth preferences - having open communication with your caregivers
knowledge is power - common interventions and procedures
birth partner as advocate
inductions - things you’re not always told
achieving a natural start to labour
self-hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation techniques
Unit 4 - Birth- Bringing it all Together
what to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth
signs that labour is starting
what to expect through labour
when to call the midwife/go to the hospital
accidental home/car birth - what to do!
birth partner’s role
using water during labour and birth
upright positioning, movement and birth positions
Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)
cord clamping and placenta delivery
undisturbed bonding and breastfeeding time - skin to skin
Self-Hypnosis - rehearsal for birth
a practice routine - preparation for birth
Book a course with me today to help you prepare for the birth you want. Birth can be amazing and empowering - not scary and overwhelming. I would love to work with you and your birth partner during this precious and amazing time. If you want to book an Adelaide Hypnobirthing in person or live online zoom course with me - Book Here.