Hynobirthing MP3s
Can't attend a class? You can still prepare for a positive & relaxed birth by downloading these MP3 albums to practice to at home.
Not everyone can attend a Hypnobirthing Australia face to face course so we have made it easy for couples to download mp3’s to guide their own relaxation and self-hypnosis at home!
This album has been created to help you to reduce tension and enhance your level of relaxation during breastfeeding whilst you bond with your precious baby.
Being a new mother is a beautiful and exciting experience, however it can also be a challenging time. Babies who are breastfed tend to be much happier, well-adjusted and enjoy better health.
Research shows that relaxation can increase milk production by up to 63%. Stress hormones, anxiety and fatigue are also known to inhibit milk supply; and this is why regular relaxation can be highly beneficial when feeding your baby.
Spoken word by Melissa Spilsted – Hypnobirthing Australia. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
Sleep Deeply
This album incorporates the techniques of relaxation, breathing, visualisation and self-hypnosis to assist you to release tension, clear your mind and allow yourself to drift off to a lovely, uninterrupted sleep. If you have experienced problems with sleep – then this album can help.
If you are past that estimated ‘guess’ date and feeling the pressure for things to start ‘moving along’… this album is for you! We have incorporated a Fear Release especially for the later stages of pregnancy and lots of positive messages of encouragement for baby to come earth-side. We don’t make any promises, of course. Babies know when to arrive. However, sometimes the pressures that we experience in this later part of pregnancy, especially with inductions, can be very counter-productive. That is why we created this album. So that you can let go, release and get back into a state of trusting… ready to welcome your precious baby into your arms.
Caesarean birth Calm & Relaxed
Caesarean Birth – Calm and Relaxed’ helps to prepare your mind & body for a calm and positive caesarean birth, using hypnobirthing techniques of relaxation, breathing, visualisation & self-hypnosis.
Help encourage your baby to turn from the breech position using hypnosis!
Utilise the power of your mind/body connection to encourage your little one to move into the optimal position for birthing. If your baby is in the breech; this album can assist you to release any tension, relax your uterine muscles and allow room for your precious baby to move into the vertex position.
Using hypnosis to turn breech babies has been more successful than using other techniques alone. In a study done at a prominent university, 81% of the babies turned to vertex position with the use of hypnosis (Archives of Family Medicine, Vol. 3, Oct. 1994 Hypnosis and Conversion of the Breech to the Vertex Presentation Lewis E. Mehl, MD, PhD Dept. of Psychiatry Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington).
Spoken word by Melissa Spilsted – Hypnobirthing Australia. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Recorded and engineered by Tracey Leggatt.
Hypnosis for Stress & Anxiety
If you are holding fears leading up to your birth – then THIS is the album for you!
Fear Release, exclusive to Hypnobirthing Australia is a deep self-hypnosis mp3 long-play track. Use it at a time when you can completely relax and let go of any of those fears and reservations that could be holding you back from experiencing the joyful birth you deserve.
Sapphire Sea
‘Glove of Endorphins’ is professionally guided self-hypnosis, especially designed for use during pregnancy and childbirth. This is the technique that we teach in our classes, so the album can be a great accompaniment to your hypnobirthing practice.
The ‘Glove of Endorphins’ is adapted from a famous hypnotherapy technique used for surgery and other medical procedures. You can use this technique to transfer relaxation and numbness to any part of your body where you may be experiencing discomfort. The track also incorporates several hypnobirthing deepening techniques which can be very beneficial during birth.
Spoken word by Melissa Spilsted – Hypnobirthing Australia. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Recorded and engineered by Tracey Leggatt.
‘Prompts for Birthing’ is a professionally guided self-hypnosis album, especially designed for use during childbirth.
As this album is designed to induce very deep relaxation as you labour and birth. It uses deep, slow, specific prompts and we are receiving RAVE reviews from mums who have used this album during their labour.
Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by RoyaltyFreeMeditationMusic.com.
Spoken and written by Melissa Spilsted- Hypnobirthing Australia.
Recorded and engineered by Tracey Leggatt.
You can’t go wrong with this option!
Our great value Hypnobirthing Practice Bundle includes mp3s, the little book of hypnobirthing eBook and a discount off face-to-face or online classes if you decide to upgrade!
Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing MP3 (18:45)
Surge of the Sea – Relaxation for Childbirth MP3 (20:32)
Glove of Endorphins MP3 (23:12)
Fear Release MP3 (24:57)
Prompts for Birthing MP3 (20:10)
PLUS our exclusive ‘little book of hypnobirthing’ eBook! (50 pages)
BONUS – We know that you are going to love our program. If you decide to upgrade to face-to-face classes with a participating practitioner (group, private or Skype) within 4 months of purchasing this bundle – you receive a $30 discount off your class fee when you present your purchase receipt to you Adelaide Lactation Consultants & Midwifery or $59 discount off the hypnobubs online course if you choose to upgrade.
This bundle has been especially designed to complement the resources that are already included in the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course and provides you with a discounted bundle of the most popular album titles requested by participants attending our courses. We have also included a BONUS instructional eBook with further information on how to use the albums to get the most out of your practice.
The following mp3 albums are included in the ‘Extra Resource Bundle’:
Prompts for Birthing (mp3)
Glove of Endorphins (mp3)
Fear Release (mp3)
Breastfeeding and Bonding with Baby (mp3’s)
Extra Resource Bundle eBook
We have put together this special Family Relaxation Bundle with deep relaxation mp3 albums especially designed for parents and children. Our life journey can be full of joy, surprise, fulfilment, happiness… but let’s face it, it can also pose its challenges for both parents and children. And that is why it is so important that we maintain a positive mindset and take the time to ‘unplug’ and relax. This special family relaxation package has been put together to help parents and children in relaxation, happiness, positivity and connection with each other.
Caesarean Resource Bundle
We have packaged together three of our most popular albums for caesarean birth preparation – with our popular eBook 'the Positive Cesarean Birth'.
Are you ready to attract abundance and prosperity in ALL good things into your life? Do you have an appreciation of the role that your mindset plays in the manifestation of your dreams – but sometimes struggle to send the right messages of abundance and success to your subconscious? Well – this album is made especially for you!
This album comprises of two long-play tracks; affirmations and self-hypnosis.
Our famous original album ‘Surge of the Sea’ provides professionally guided self-hypnosis & relaxation, especially designed for use during pregnancy and childbirth. Thousands of mamas throughout the world have used this album in preparation for (and during) their beautiful, calm and positive births. Includes Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing and Surge of the Sea long-play tracks.